Highlights of Kim Oren’s professional qualifications:

  • Motivated professionally to support stakeholders, and to advance public-serving organizational missions. 

  • Seven years of graduate-level academic training, focusing on social science research methods.

  • Independent researcher for employing institutions of higher education (20 years).

  • Recognized for effective collaborations on grant proposal development for employing institutions of higher education.  Designed, wrote, and implemented evaluation plans. Produced valid, compelling, and data-based needs assessments, and other supportive analyses.

  • Consulted on research, assessment, and evaluation projects with many higher education colleagues.  Over time, developed trust among them through professional integrity, accountability, and consistent advocacy for professional ethical standards.

  • Designed and implemented many technical processes including program assessments, research method designs and interpretations, and statistical analyses.

  • Recently completed courses, a mentorship, and many other learning experiences in the grants field (June 2020 - present).

Kim Oren, Clear Case Grants

PO Box 73, Warsaw, MN 55087

e-mail: ClearCaseGrants@gmail.com